Tuesday, June 9, 2015

27 Google Drive and Google +

Google Drive and Google + are another great tools to use in class. I don't use Gmail, I open my account only for this class. Basically I had to play with it only when I am in class working with the documents.
In Google Drive we had the chance to share our documents with the professor and the classmates for peer review. I think this system is awesome, you fix stuff, you can leave comments, you write your document and it saved it automatically, the professor leave suggestions and comments you can see and resolved them. I know Google Drive have more stuff to do, but that's what we mostly used at the class.

Google + is another good one, again I had never used this one, but I believe is like a Facebook type. Where you can add people, chat, share pictures, videos, status, also you can see others status too. 
I can conclude saying that I am happy to learn more about Gmail and all the tools that this provides.

Professor thanks for everything!
Classmates I wish you the best!

Monday, June 8, 2015

26 Wiki in Class

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, is a great tool to look for information. Is one of the most google search place that people look for. I use to used Wikipedia a lot for all the assignments that I had. Until one day a professor told the class "Please don't use Wikipedia for any of your assignments, I would not grade it". I got so upset, because for me Wikipedia was perfect, everything is organized, they divided in sections, that make it easier for you to look for a specific thing of a topic. Later I found out that people is constantly changing the information there. Good thing to hear is that in this class we are allowed to use it, which is great. It make it easier for us, but we can not forget to look for others sources, credible sources that we all had study and learned before.

Here a little of information about Wiki:

- The History of Wikipedia formally began with the launch of Wikipedia on Monday 15 January 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.

- As of December 2014, Wikipedia includes more than 34 million freely usable articles in 288 languages that have been written by over 50 million registered users and numerous anonymous contributors worldwide.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

25 Blogging in Class

Blogging in class was fun, I know for some this might be boring, extra work, or something else. The truth is that this help us putting a lots of thoughts together and communicate with others. I am OK doing 3 a week, well sometimes I forget to blog one out of the three and I am going crazy Friday night before 12 midnight to get it done. The good thing is that in class we have the opportunity to write 1 blog each class, so you get 2 out of the way, but the third one is the one that I keep forgetting. Another advantage is that we can write blogs anytime and any day at home or at any other place. Also this blogs are extra points that you can accumulate during the semester, it is not difficult to get it done :). Overall blogging at class is a great tool for us college students.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

24 Death Dreams

I want to share some information abouth death dreams. I was curious to find out and it actually a good thing. Dreaming abouth death is nothing to be alarm of in order to best understand your dream of dying, it is important to look at what is going on in your waking life that may have triggered such a dream. Dreaming of your own death symbolizes inner changes, transformation, self-discovery and positive development that is happening within you or your life. If you are getting married or divorce, being promoted to a new position, moving to a new country, you may experience dreams of your own death. Metaphorically, dying can be seen as an end or a termination to your old ways, bad habits, destructive behavior or some other aspect of yourself. So dying does not always mean a physical death, but rather an ending of something. To dream that you die may mean that you are desperately trying to escape from the demands of your daily life. This may be some major stressor, obligation, responsibility or perhaps you want out of a painful relationship. It is not that bad dreaming with death, changes are ocurring or about to occur in your life.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

23 Death

 Emily Dickinson, it's probably that she was a reclusive poet from small-town Massachusetts who wrote tons and tons of poetry in the 1800s that wasn't published much until after her death. Oh, and that death and dying were among her favorite subjects. We can add "Because I could not stop for Death," first published in 1862, to the list of Dickinson poems obsessed with the idea of death. In this particular poem, the speaker encounters death, yet the tale is delivered rather calmly. Here probably isn't one person among us who hasn't considered what will happen after we die. This poem explores that curiosity by creating a death scene that's familiar to the living – something we can all imagine, whether we'd like to or not.

Because I could not stop for Death – 
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality.

We slowly drove – He knew no haste
And I had put away
My labor and my leisure too,
For His Civility –

We passed the School, where Children strove
At Recess – in the Ring –
We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain –
We passed the Setting Sun –

Or rather – He passed us –
The Dews drew quivering and chill –
For only Gossamer, my Gown –
My Tippet – only Tulle –

We paused before a House that seemed
A Swelling of the Ground –
The Roof was scarcely visible –
The Cornice – in the Ground –

Since then – 'tis Centuries – and yet
Feels shorter than the Day
I first surmised the Horses' Heads 
Were toward Eternity –

Monday, June 1, 2015

22 Doc2

My Doc 2 is about the short story of The Chrysanthemums. It has been a long and intense document for me. I have been working with Doc 2 since the first weeks of the semester, one reason is because I chose this story since the beginning to start working with the Wiki Doc. That is why it is been a long journey. I have been working hard and I dedicated a lot of time in this Doc. I am hoping to get it right. I am not an expert when it comes to writing I just try my best, also I look for help and ideas from others. I do this because I remember one of my papers that I wrote in the past, I did it by myself and it was a totally mess. Since my first language is Spanish I guess we invert the words and yes the professor did not understood my paper very well. This does not mean that I write the greatest paper, I do have many errors and language errors but not as many as before

Friday, May 29, 2015

21 Emily Dickinson Poem

Sunrise in the Valley
I’ll tell you how the Sun rose –
A Ribbon at a time –
The steeples swam in Amethyst
The news, like Squirrels, ran –
The Hills untied their Bonnets –
The Bobolinks – begun –
Then I said softly to myself –
“That must have been the Sun”!
But how he set – I know not –
There seemed a purple stile
That little Yellow boys and girls
Were climbing all the while –
Till when they reached the other side –
A Dominie in Gray –
Put gently up the evening Bars –
And led the flock away –
Emily Dickinson

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

20 Mythologic Poem

For Zeus (Some Say Poseidon)

by Edward Alan Bartholomew 

That statue of a god, with godly state,
whose clenching fist and arching back expand
to free the thund'rous trident from command,
will hold his step and ever warn and wait.

That statue of a god dares uncreate
that Sculptor of a god, Whose waxen hand,
in image of Himself, prepared to stand
those ankles, feet, and knees that spell his gait.

Gouge out his eyes and skyey senate seat;
his absence reassures Us, Men, the stellar
blanket warms but nameless moons and stars;
that fire that rises from an earthy cellar
lends itself and names it solely Ours,
so that Our liver is Our own to eat.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

19 Myth in Poetry

The word myth come from the Greek word "mythos" which means speech, thought story and myth of unknown origin. Myth is the story which is characterized by magic figures sometime beyond the truth itself about the past but have historical significance to particular society mostly the characters are not human being.

A myth almost always:
Features gods and goddesses
Tells about heroes
Explains natural phenomena

Myths Quotes
“Confidence is like a dragon where, for every head cut off, two more heads grow back.” 
― Criss JamiVenus in Arms

“I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?” 
― John Lennon

Friday, May 22, 2015

18 Another Symbol

The cross, the principal symbol of the Christian religion, recalling the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the redeeming benefits of his Passion and death. The cross is thus a sign both of Christ himself and of the faith of Christians.The symbol of the cross is found in paintings, statues, artifacts, jewelry, and more. A friend of mine is really religious and have the cross almost everywhere in the house, she wear a necklace and have about 6 tattoos of the cross.   

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

17 The Dove symbolism

A white dove can have different meanings to different people. When you see one it might symbolized freedom.  They can walk on the earth and swim in the sea as humans. Many cultures believe that they are a symbol of eternal life; the link between heaven and earth. It can be a religious symbol too. The Dove is generally thought to be a symbol of peace. It is also symbolic of love. A pair of doves is believed to be a symbol of love and fidelity. Im sure we all have seen this, a pair of Doves are often released by couples on their wedding day as a symbol of purity and to signify the beginning of their new life together. They also do it in funeral.

Monday, May 18, 2015

16 What is symbolism?

What is symbolism? Symbolism is everywhere; symbolism exists whenever something is meant to represent something else. Symbolism is a figure of speech that is used when an author wants to create a certain mood or emotion in a work of literature. It is the use of an object, person, situation or word to represent something else, like an idea, in literature. Symbols are meant to be universally familiar so that the author's message is more readily understood. As a matter of fact, we are familiar with the universal in everyday life: flags, road signs and even logos.
For example the logo of a dove immediately reminds people of peace, because doves, by nature, are peaceful. What about a national flag, is symbolic, because it expresses something larger than itself: the culture of a country. So, symbols deliver complex ideas and concepts in a highly recognizable way.

Friday, May 15, 2015

15 Psychological Crtisism

Psychological criticism is an approach to literary criticism that interprets writings, authors, and readers through a psychological lens. The focus is on the expression of the unconscious in the work, looking at psychology in the narrative itself as well as in the author. Critics think about the symbols in the work and what they might mean. They also evaluate the psychological state of the characters, and examine their motivations and actions with an understanding of psychology in mind.

An example of psychological criticism would be contemplating a fictional character's past in order to understand why he killed his mother

psychological criticism can play a role in psychotherapy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

14 Critical Perspective

One of the goal of Critical Perspectives is to develop students' powers as critical, creative and active  thinkers. This is actually what we are doing in this class. Too many students including me cannot communicate what they think and feel, stumbling over words and searching for the correct phrase that just won't come. It is quite dificult focusing and just putting the correct words for a paper. Critical Perspectives helps train this technique through the writing and reading assignments.The key to success in Critical Perspectives comes from finding and maintaining a balance between free thinking and organized thought.

Monday, May 11, 2015

13 The Tone in a Story

I will talk a little about the tone in a story. The tone in a story can be joyful, seroius, sad, formal or informal.  One trick that may help you figure out the tone of the story that you're reading is to imagine a key scene from the story as a movie. The music that is playing in the background, do you imagine something dark and moody, light and peppy, somber and thoughtful? Well music is a tool often used in movies to emphasize tone. For example, a story with a dark, ominous tone will probably have more negative descriptions than a light, happy comedy. Now we have an idea of the tone in a story.

Examples of the tone in everyday speech

1. Father: “We are going on a vacation.”
    Son: “That’s great!!!”
– The tone of son’s response is very cheerful

2. Father: “We can’t go on vacation this summer.”   
    Son: “Ok. Great! That’s what I expected.”
The son’s tone is sarcastic in the given response

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

12 Wikipedia Article

We still working with the sandbox and getting everything set up to plug it in Wikipedia. Right now we are inserting a piece of the original story then revised it. I am almost finished working with my sandbox. I hope I did it right, if not, well at least I accomplish something new that I haven't worked before. It is been quite of a new experience also a little challenge. The reason why is working with the cite, the reference and all the symbols, you must put it right in order to show what it is in the original page. Another challenge was trying to write facts not opinions and I did a couple of mistakes saying "I think" "I believe". Glad that the professor give us a template to follow.
Good Luck Everyone!

Monday, May 4, 2015

11 Gender Criticism

Gender criticism examines how sexual identity influences the creation, interpretation, and evaluation of literary works. Purpose of gender criticism is to criticize gender as we commonly conceive of it.Gender criticism could be the deficiency of female authors until into the 20th century and historically female education has been inferior to that of males. Gender distinction has historically been everywhere. Even the public bathrooms that you visit exhibit the sign that children are likely first to relate to gender. Things has change in the past years where the roles of men and women in marriage have changed over time and is an equal sharing of chores and other duties.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

10 Women Writer

I want to focus on the Puerto Rican women writer. When I was in school in Puerto Rico I remember 2 women writer and they are Julia de Burgos and Lola Rodriguez de Tio. I used to do projects about them, looking for information and pictures. Back then was fun doing this, but without realizing the real importance that they had and their contributions as a woman writers. I am proud of my little Island.

Julia de Burgos-  was a poet from Puerto Rico. As an advocate of Puerto Rican independence, she served as Secretary General of the Daughters of Freedom, the women's branch of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. She was also a civil rights activist for women and African/Afro-Caribbean writers.She published three books which contained a collection of her poems.

Lola Rodriguez de Tio-was the first Puerto Rican born woman poet to establish herself a reputation as a great poet throughout all of Latin America. A believer in women's rights, she was also committed to the abolition of slavery and the independence of Puerto Rico.

Friday, May 1, 2015

9 Wikipedia Itself

Oh Wikipedia I have to be your friend for the whole semester, sorry to say this but after the semester is over I have to say; bye... bye... Wiki for a long time!

Working with Wiki it is a little complicated, especially all the symbols, signs, the references, the cite, any little error because of a letter or number it marked it wrong. I started working with my sandbox, I plugged in some information which was fine but the cite was complicated, it kept saying something is wrong, it was some numbers and I fix it but it did not work. I would ask the professor to help me with that problem. Wikipedia is not my favorite thing to work with, but what makes me happy is that I am trying new things and I am learning, that is all it matters. Now I can say, I was part of the Wikipedia and I edited an article, thanks to the professor :)
Good Luck everyone!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

8 Working on Wiki Article

As we all know, we have to start creating our article and plug it in the sandbox on Wikipedia. I have been reading and looking for information of the short story The Chrysanthemums. It have not been easy putting all together and trying to make sense. I definitely had to look for help, a friend of mine give me a hand because I did need it. So I put everything together and wrote about the symbolism and the tone of the story, yes, of this two. I previously was going to work with the symbolism only, but I ran out of information and had to back up with some information about the tone of the story. Hopefully the professor don't punished me for that.
Let's get this stared!!

Well class wish you luck !

Monday, April 27, 2015

7 What I carry with me...

What I carry with, in my wallet is a PICTURE of my family. My family means the world to me. I have my dad, mom, sister and I. We are 4 of us and right now we are separeted it living in different places, but with the same love as before. Having the picture of the 4 of us keep me happy and secure. Does not matter where we are or where are we living now, the love is always there, always the same. Family is first over everything, they are always there for me, supporting me and helping me and for that reason and many more I keep a picture of us with me all the times. I thank God everyday for the amazing family that I have.
BTW we are always traveling to see each other :)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

6 What I have learned in Wiki

What I have learned in Wiki... well this project has been a little more challenging and difficult then what I thought. Not being so passionate with reading Literature that makes it more harder for me to work. This is all about learning new things every day. Related with the article, I am leaning more towards the symbolism of The Chrysanthemums. This flowers are related with Elisa because their are lovely and strong, also she identifies herself with the flowers. When she offer the flowers and also herself to the Tinker he ignores and  throw it away, she felt the rejection. He did not want her nor the flowers. Any situation that woman confront, be strong and move on, don't let the bad experience put you aside. We need to be equally treated.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

5 The Chrysanthemums Character

          The protagonist of the The Chrysanthemums is Elisa Allen. A 35 years old woman, lives with her husband on a ranch in the Salinas Valley. She is a hard worker, her house sparkles and her flowers grow tremendous blooms. There is something more deep happening with her, she feels trapped, unappreciated and frustrated with life. The connection that she have with nature seems forced and not as naturally as she claims in the story. There is more interesting things in the story about her and the Tinker. Here in the class we have a pretty good amount of people doing this story, which is good.

Monday, April 20, 2015

4 Wiki Article

I decided it to write my article on Wiki about
The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck. I believe there is a group of the class doing this short story. The truth is that Wikipedia provide really little of information about this story. I think it is a great idea to go ahead and contribute and share some information. It is a great story.

Reading and writing especially Literature it is challenging for me. We learn new things everyday and this Wiki article is new for me I never done this before, but I will do my best.

I hope everyone enjoy working with the articles.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

3 Protagonist of favorite movie

Denzel Washington is one of many favorite movies protagonist that I like. I want to talk a little about his biography, he was born on December 28, 1954. He is an American actor and filmmaker. Washington has received much critical acclaim for his film work since the 1990s. Washington is considered to be one of the most engaging leading men of our time.  He won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for Glory (1989). The last film was The Equalizer. You can go to this link to see all the films Denzel Washington

Washington is an actor who will always blow you away on screen. Something funny about the actor, he broke his right pinky finger during a childhood basketball accident and never had it set correctly. His finger is still crooked to this day, bent at the bottom knuckle a full 45 degrees outward from his other fingers.

“At the end of the day, it's not about what you have or even what you've accomplished. It's about what you've done with those accomplishments. Its about who you've lifted up, who you've made better. It about what you've given back" (23).” 
― Denzel WashingtonA Hand to Guide Me

Monday, April 13, 2015

2 Introduction

Hello class my name is Vanessa Rivera and this is my second trimester, South University is a great University. Looking forward to attend Nursing program here, super excited for that. Right now I am taking three classes and I will be done with my prereques.to be able to apply to the program. I am praying to get accepted. Prior to this University, I was attending Palm Beach State College for two years, but it was time for an upgrade and here I am. I am from Puerto Rico, being here for six years, know Spanish and English, well getting better to the English language, so I apology any writing and speaking mistakes. Other than college I work for a Recycling company for almost five years. I have to say I am pretty much busy all day every day, work, college, home and study. Well class talk to you soon!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

1 Figurative Language

 Figurative language can be found in literature and poetry. Is language that one must figure out. They are comparing two things in a way that you find the comparison interesting or by using words that have unusual or sounds. At some point we all had use this in our daily language, in this case is when the  writing goes beyond the actual meaning.

Here are some types of figurative that we have heard before: 
-metaphor, hyperbole, personification or symbolism

I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
-I've told you a million times to clean your room!
-Her head was spinning from all the new information.

After reading this examples, now you have an idea of figurative language

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Google Drive and Google +

Google Drive and Google + are another great tools to use in class. I never used to have Gmail so I haven't work with this tool. Locally in this class we had the opportunity to create an account and enjoy from this tools.
In Google Drive we had to chance to share our documents with the professor and the partners that we work with. I think that system is awesome, you fix stuff, you can leave comments, you write and it saved it automatically, the professor leave suggestions and comments you can see and resolved them. I bet has more stuff to do, but that's what we mostly used at the class.
In Google + is another good one, again I had never used this one, but I believe is like a Facebook type. Where you can add people, chat, share pictures, videos, status, also you can see others status too.
I can conclude saying that I am happy to learn more about Gmail and all the tools that this provides.
Professor I will see you next semester !
Classmates I wish you the best!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Wiki in the class!

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, is a great tool to look for information. Is one of the most google search place that people look for. I use to used Wikipedia a lot for all the assigments that I had. Until one day a professor told the class "Please don't use Wikipedia for any of your assigments, I would not grade it". I got so upset, because for me Wikipedia was perfect, everything is organized, they divided in sections, that make it easier for you to look for a specific thing of a topic. Later I found out that people is constantly chaging the information there. Good thing to hear is that in this class we are allowed to use it, which is great. It make it easier for us, but we can not forget to look for others sources, credible sources that we all had study and learned before.

Here a little of information about Wiki:

- The History of Wikipedia formally began with the launch of Wikipedia on Monday 15 January 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.

- As of December 2014, Wikipedia includes more than 34 million freely usable articles in 288 languages that have been written by over 50 million registered users and numerous anonymous contributors worldwide.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blogging in Class!

Blogging in class was fun, I know for some this might be boring, extra work, or something else. The truth is that this help us putting a lots of thoughts together and communicate with others. I am OK doing 1 a week, 3 is too much, well sometimes I forget to blog one out of the three and I am going crazy Friday night before 12 midnight to get it done. The good thing is that in class we have the opportunity to write 1 blog each class, so you get 2 out of the way, but the third one is the one that I keep forgetting. Another advantage is that we can write blogs anytime and any day at home or at any other place. Overall blogging at class is a great tool for us college students.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Big Data!

I want to share an article I found at The New York Times.

Welcome to the Age of Big Data. The new megarich of Silicon Valley, first at Google and now Facebook, are masters at harnessing the data of the Web — online searches, posts and messages — with Internet advertising.

What is Big Data? A meme and a marketing term, for sure, but also shorthand for advancing trends in technology that open the door to a new approach to understanding the world and making decisions. There is a lot more data, all the time, growing at 50 percent a year, or more than doubling every two years, estimates IDC, a technology research firm. It’s not just more streams of data, but entirely new ones. For example, there are now countless digital sensors worldwide in industrial equipment, automobiles, electrical meters and shipping crates. They can measure and communicate location, movement, vibration, temperature, humidity, even chemical changes in the air.
If you guys want to read the whole article go to this link.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Almost Done!

Happy to say that we are almost done with the trimester, oh boy it has been hard and stressful. A lot of studying, a lot of reading, a lot of assigments everyday non stop. Well a little bit of everything, but I have to say that all this hard work will be worth it at the end, at least that is what I believe. I know I study and work so hard to get good grades and thats is what I am expecting at the end. Then I can say, yes it was worth it the hard work and I would be one happy camper.
Looking foward for next trimester, and hoping goes well. Taking 3 more classes, 2 on campus and 1 online. After that Nursing will be calling my name jejeje :)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Personal Lerning Networks

This is a really interesting subject. Personal is about making connections and building personal relationships with teachers,university professors and even classmates. Good thing is that no matter where your are there's is always someone available online to answer questions. Learning is about sharing ideas and resources, we all do it in different ways and using different media and tools. Network is a global learning and is available 24/7. One thing I have to say is that lerning network is great and we have to take advantage of it, thank God for network. Also here in College we have the librarians, tutors, the professors and our classmates that can help us.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Doc2, APA issues

As all we have seen, we still have trouble with the APA format. Doc1 and Doc2 I had the same issues. The true is that I had never work with this format, so it is hard and complicated to get use to it. Of course with practice will get it. I will get it fix, and hoping to get a fair grade.
In Doc2 I put alot of effort and also I looked for extra help because I knew I will need it. Specially when you are not an English fluent speaker. Hoping for the best, and greatful that we have a great professor that give us opportunities to fix our errors.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Logos means logic, so is persuading by the use of reasoning. This is a really important tool when writing a research paper, we need consistency of the message, clarity of the claim and effectiveness of its supporting evidence, this are the keys to used logos in a document. We can use facts and stats to help support the argument, this gives a little flavor to the paper, when arguing about a topic and giving pieces of facts to back up.
The usage of pathos, ethos and logos seems a little complicated at first, but our goal in Doc2 is to persuade the audience that my ideas are valid, and this are tools that we can incorporate in the paper. For me the easiest is the pathos, I can write an emotional paper, why not jajaja.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Pathos is an important tool of persuasion in arguments. This mean that if we are doing a paper we can consider including pathos in it, only if you want to show some emotions. Pathos can be expressed through words and pictures. With this method we convincing people with an argument drawn out through an emotional response.
Examples of pathos that we see or hear are:
- Ads encouraging donations, show small children living in pathetic conditions or animals dying, just to evoke pity in people to urge them to donate for the cause. I know we are all familiar with this Ads, we see them every time on TV. I personally don't believe on this, yes I know it is sad, but this particular event is trying to make me feel sad and convince me to donate. So this is Pathos!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


      Ethos is equal to credibility. So in Doc2 we need to show credibility, we tent to believe people whom we respect. In a argumentation paper we need to project an impression to the reader that we are someone worth listening to, it is like making yourself as author into an authority on the subject of the paper. Also, ethos is often the first thing we notice, so again, it creates the first impression that influences how we perceive the rest. Having this piece of description about ethos we can understand a little more about it.
    This mean that when we are doing our reseach for Doc2 or any paper we need to look for creadible source from places on the web, books, library or a person that we can trusth. Basically we need that extra help of information in our papers to back up our argumentation. We need to impress and make others like or interest what we are writing about.
Good luck!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Struggling a little!

Doc 2 it haven't been easy to put together. Its a good topic, we are related with it, since is about the degree we are pursuing. It might be easy for some, but for others like me its difficult. Having the information that you have do research on, and them putting it all together it is not easy. I want my paper to make sense and that others understand it. Unfortunately writing papers is not my strong, so its challenging making this papers. I get a little anxious and it feels like its not working out, but I try my best and I put a lot of effort, because more than having or getting a good grade, I want to learn and practice for futures assignments.
I want it to say this because I know I'm not the only one struggling with Doc2.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Peer Review, Doc2

Today we are getting ready to start the peer evaluation. Its going to be fun, well I think so. Its just a little difficult for me evaluate papers from other, because I dont like putting critics, I dont like that people think I am mean, because I put comments in there papers. But if there something we need to be aware is that this process of peer evaluation it important for us. Having suggestions from other makes our paper better, or at least we have others opinions that we can include in our paper. Lets just enjoy this Doc2 since is a topic that we all know. Remeber we just want to help you giving you extra ideas and what can be fix in your paper, also we are not the professor and we not going to give you the grade, so dont worry about it. :)
Have fun!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Issue in Nursing!

    The purpose of this Doc2 is to find an issue in the area that we are persuing our degree. I personally going to talk about understaffing nurses in medical field. As we all know or most of us know, there is a couple or I should say, multiple issues in the nursing/medical field and we have to look for credible research about that issue.
    Unfortunately nurses nowdays are going to a lot of pressure in the work are. They are confronting a great amount of patients in a day and their having a big issue, what is that issue? "nurse understaffing". This problem lead to stress, which is not good for your health, especially when working with patients at a hospital. I will explain more in details in my Doc2

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

More about Doc2!

I am excited about this Doc2, more than that we have the opportunity to choose the topic related on the Degree that we are pursuing, more specific we have to choose an issue. My degree is in Nursing and in that area are many issues that nurses confront everyday, I don't work in a medical field now so I am not related or too informed with what is going on, I used to work in a medical office around 6 years ago and I am pretty sure things has change dramatically since then, well I believe that things in this world change constantly, especially in medical field. But fortunately I have a couple of people that work in the field and any questions I can ask them. Overall this topic is going to be fun and for sure we are going to learn a lot from it and is a plus that almost all of us the degree pursuing is Nursing.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Poor or Good Evidence

There are a couple of types of evidence when doing a reaserch for a paper. One is when you do interviews, experiments, surveys or personal experiences. The other one is information that you get from other sources like, websites, books and periodicals. It does not matter where you get the information from, it most be credible, accurate and trustworthy. When we search information on website, we need to be really careful, anybody can write fake stuff on internet, so we need to look for credible sources and how we do that, ask questions like, Who is the author? How recent is the source? What is the author purpose? and again when evaluating Internet sources, never use Web sites when the author can be determined, those are not good if we are researching information for a document. Knowing this simple steps, then we know how poor or good the evidence in our paper will be.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


I know we dont have any information for Doc 2, but I am going to just talk about my expectations and what I wan to achive in this paper. To begin, It might not be the same topic, I hope not, that way we have the opportunity to look, search and do more reaserch about the new topic. One advantage about having a new topic is that we will learn new information which is good for us. Also we have the oportunity to read our classmates post about the Doc 2 and have different ideas, also we can see their points of view, which I enjoy reading because we all have differents things to say about one topic. Today we will start with the document and I am looking foward to it. Hopefuly I learn a lot, which I know I will and see what the outcomes would be.