Monday, May 11, 2015

13 The Tone in a Story

I will talk a little about the tone in a story. The tone in a story can be joyful, seroius, sad, formal or informal.  One trick that may help you figure out the tone of the story that you're reading is to imagine a key scene from the story as a movie. The music that is playing in the background, do you imagine something dark and moody, light and peppy, somber and thoughtful? Well music is a tool often used in movies to emphasize tone. For example, a story with a dark, ominous tone will probably have more negative descriptions than a light, happy comedy. Now we have an idea of the tone in a story.

Examples of the tone in everyday speech

1. Father: “We are going on a vacation.”
    Son: “That’s great!!!”
– The tone of son’s response is very cheerful

2. Father: “We can’t go on vacation this summer.”   
    Son: “Ok. Great! That’s what I expected.”
The son’s tone is sarcastic in the given response


  1. Tone is very important in a story is just sets the mood.

  2. That's a great way to describe how to derive the tone of a writing. I had not really thought about it that way, but it would certainly work. Good writing, Vanessa!
