Thursday, April 23, 2015

6 What I have learned in Wiki

What I have learned in Wiki... well this project has been a little more challenging and difficult then what I thought. Not being so passionate with reading Literature that makes it more harder for me to work. This is all about learning new things every day. Related with the article, I am leaning more towards the symbolism of The Chrysanthemums. This flowers are related with Elisa because their are lovely and strong, also she identifies herself with the flowers. When she offer the flowers and also herself to the Tinker he ignores and  throw it away, she felt the rejection. He did not want her nor the flowers. Any situation that woman confront, be strong and move on, don't let the bad experience put you aside. We need to be equally treated.


  1. I truly agree with you Vanessa. If a man don't want me I would move on to something better. Elisa drifted into this mode that she found happiness in a flower. She did not want to face the actual problem.

  2. Hi Vanessa!
    Great post.

    At times, I too find it hard when it comes time to start research and writing. You did a good job recognizing the symbolism of the flowers in The Chrysanthemums. I agree that when the Tinker rejects the flowers that Eliza gave to him, it is symbolic of the time period of this short story. Elisa identifies with these flowers and when the Tinker discards them, it is a direct representation of how Elisa (and other women) was treated during this time period.

  3. I can relate Vanessa. I am not an individual that enjoys literature either. It has ended up making this class one of the top 5 hardest classes I have ever taken. But it seems like you're doing pretty well by breaking down the symbolism seen in The Chrysanthemums. Keep it up, and by the end you might not find it as bad as we both think.
