Monday, March 16, 2015

Wiki in the class!

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, is a great tool to look for information. Is one of the most google search place that people look for. I use to used Wikipedia a lot for all the assigments that I had. Until one day a professor told the class "Please don't use Wikipedia for any of your assigments, I would not grade it". I got so upset, because for me Wikipedia was perfect, everything is organized, they divided in sections, that make it easier for you to look for a specific thing of a topic. Later I found out that people is constantly chaging the information there. Good thing to hear is that in this class we are allowed to use it, which is great. It make it easier for us, but we can not forget to look for others sources, credible sources that we all had study and learned before.

Here a little of information about Wiki:

- The History of Wikipedia formally began with the launch of Wikipedia on Monday 15 January 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.

- As of December 2014, Wikipedia includes more than 34 million freely usable articles in 288 languages that have been written by over 50 million registered users and numerous anonymous contributors worldwide.


  1. I love wilkepidia but most of the professors don't like it so it's I end up using other tools but that's ok I have learned to use the school online library and it turns out it comes with citation in APA style.

  2. Wiki does have a lot of information on it. It is tough because some professors do not see it as solid information. I liked being able to use wiki in this class as well!
