Wednesday, April 22, 2015

5 The Chrysanthemums Character

          The protagonist of the The Chrysanthemums is Elisa Allen. A 35 years old woman, lives with her husband on a ranch in the Salinas Valley. She is a hard worker, her house sparkles and her flowers grow tremendous blooms. There is something more deep happening with her, she feels trapped, unappreciated and frustrated with life. The connection that she have with nature seems forced and not as naturally as she claims in the story. There is more interesting things in the story about her and the Tinker. Here in the class we have a pretty good amount of people doing this story, which is good.


  1. I like what you wrote Vanessa, I agree 100% with your opinion. I hope that Women today don't have to face that kinda of loneliness and unhappiness.

  2. I agreed, why do we have to go through out this unhappiness when we get somebody who suppose to be your hero an any ways in life because you choose him to be the one.
