Tuesday, February 17, 2015

More about Doc2!

I am excited about this Doc2, more than that we have the opportunity to choose the topic related on the Degree that we are pursuing, more specific we have to choose an issue. My degree is in Nursing and in that area are many issues that nurses confront everyday, I don't work in a medical field now so I am not related or too informed with what is going on, I used to work in a medical office around 6 years ago and I am pretty sure things has change dramatically since then, well I believe that things in this world change constantly, especially in medical field. But fortunately I have a couple of people that work in the field and any questions I can ask them. Overall this topic is going to be fun and for sure we are going to learn a lot from it and is a plus that almost all of us the degree pursuing is Nursing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pleased that you like this topic. It works for some, but others are not so happy. Do you know why?
