Monday, April 13, 2015

2 Introduction

Hello class my name is Vanessa Rivera and this is my second trimester, South University is a great University. Looking forward to attend Nursing program here, super excited for that. Right now I am taking three classes and I will be done with my be able to apply to the program. I am praying to get accepted. Prior to this University, I was attending Palm Beach State College for two years, but it was time for an upgrade and here I am. I am from Puerto Rico, being here for six years, know Spanish and English, well getting better to the English language, so I apology any writing and speaking mistakes. Other than college I work for a Recycling company for almost five years. I have to say I am pretty much busy all day every day, work, college, home and study. Well class talk to you soon!


  1. Good to meet you again Vanessa. Hope we have another great quarter of English like our last class.

  2. We're glad to have you here. This is a great school....I've been exceptionally happy attending school here at South University. Good luck in your endeavors and on getting into the nursing program.

  3. Hi Vanessa nice to meet you we have the same name, pretty name right anyway this is my third semester here and pursue my carrer in ther nursing field as i am working as a Certified Nurse assistant i should be over with my prerequsite by next summer ,everthing gonna be well for you and you will accepted just be possitive .

  4. heyyy vanessa glad to have you here you will love this school for the most part =D Good luck on the program hope you get in.

  5. Nice to meet you Vanessa. That's awesome that your almost done, I pray you and I both get into the nursing program. Goodluck with this class I'm sure you'll do great.
