Friday, May 15, 2015

15 Psychological Crtisism

Psychological criticism is an approach to literary criticism that interprets writings, authors, and readers through a psychological lens. The focus is on the expression of the unconscious in the work, looking at psychology in the narrative itself as well as in the author. Critics think about the symbols in the work and what they might mean. They also evaluate the psychological state of the characters, and examine their motivations and actions with an understanding of psychology in mind.

An example of psychological criticism would be contemplating a fictional character's past in order to understand why he killed his mother

psychological criticism can play a role in psychotherapy.

1 comment:

  1. Before this week's assessment I wasn't aware of the many different forms of criticism when it comes to literature. I'm also thinking of using psychological criticism for Doc 2. There is still a lot that I have to do but I'm hoping to pull it together.
