Wednesday, April 29, 2015

8 Working on Wiki Article

As we all know, we have to start creating our article and plug it in the sandbox on Wikipedia. I have been reading and looking for information of the short story The Chrysanthemums. It have not been easy putting all together and trying to make sense. I definitely had to look for help, a friend of mine give me a hand because I did need it. So I put everything together and wrote about the symbolism and the tone of the story, yes, of this two. I previously was going to work with the symbolism only, but I ran out of information and had to back up with some information about the tone of the story. Hopefully the professor don't punished me for that.
Let's get this stared!!

Well class wish you luck !

Monday, April 27, 2015

7 What I carry with me...

What I carry with, in my wallet is a PICTURE of my family. My family means the world to me. I have my dad, mom, sister and I. We are 4 of us and right now we are separeted it living in different places, but with the same love as before. Having the picture of the 4 of us keep me happy and secure. Does not matter where we are or where are we living now, the love is always there, always the same. Family is first over everything, they are always there for me, supporting me and helping me and for that reason and many more I keep a picture of us with me all the times. I thank God everyday for the amazing family that I have.
BTW we are always traveling to see each other :)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

6 What I have learned in Wiki

What I have learned in Wiki... well this project has been a little more challenging and difficult then what I thought. Not being so passionate with reading Literature that makes it more harder for me to work. This is all about learning new things every day. Related with the article, I am leaning more towards the symbolism of The Chrysanthemums. This flowers are related with Elisa because their are lovely and strong, also she identifies herself with the flowers. When she offer the flowers and also herself to the Tinker he ignores and  throw it away, she felt the rejection. He did not want her nor the flowers. Any situation that woman confront, be strong and move on, don't let the bad experience put you aside. We need to be equally treated.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

5 The Chrysanthemums Character

          The protagonist of the The Chrysanthemums is Elisa Allen. A 35 years old woman, lives with her husband on a ranch in the Salinas Valley. She is a hard worker, her house sparkles and her flowers grow tremendous blooms. There is something more deep happening with her, she feels trapped, unappreciated and frustrated with life. The connection that she have with nature seems forced and not as naturally as she claims in the story. There is more interesting things in the story about her and the Tinker. Here in the class we have a pretty good amount of people doing this story, which is good.

Monday, April 20, 2015

4 Wiki Article

I decided it to write my article on Wiki about
The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck. I believe there is a group of the class doing this short story. The truth is that Wikipedia provide really little of information about this story. I think it is a great idea to go ahead and contribute and share some information. It is a great story.

Reading and writing especially Literature it is challenging for me. We learn new things everyday and this Wiki article is new for me I never done this before, but I will do my best.

I hope everyone enjoy working with the articles.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

3 Protagonist of favorite movie

Denzel Washington is one of many favorite movies protagonist that I like. I want to talk a little about his biography, he was born on December 28, 1954. He is an American actor and filmmaker. Washington has received much critical acclaim for his film work since the 1990s. Washington is considered to be one of the most engaging leading men of our time.  He won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for Glory (1989). The last film was The Equalizer. You can go to this link to see all the films Denzel Washington

Washington is an actor who will always blow you away on screen. Something funny about the actor, he broke his right pinky finger during a childhood basketball accident and never had it set correctly. His finger is still crooked to this day, bent at the bottom knuckle a full 45 degrees outward from his other fingers.

“At the end of the day, it's not about what you have or even what you've accomplished. It's about what you've done with those accomplishments. Its about who you've lifted up, who you've made better. It about what you've given back" (23).” 
― Denzel WashingtonA Hand to Guide Me

Monday, April 13, 2015

2 Introduction

Hello class my name is Vanessa Rivera and this is my second trimester, South University is a great University. Looking forward to attend Nursing program here, super excited for that. Right now I am taking three classes and I will be done with my be able to apply to the program. I am praying to get accepted. Prior to this University, I was attending Palm Beach State College for two years, but it was time for an upgrade and here I am. I am from Puerto Rico, being here for six years, know Spanish and English, well getting better to the English language, so I apology any writing and speaking mistakes. Other than college I work for a Recycling company for almost five years. I have to say I am pretty much busy all day every day, work, college, home and study. Well class talk to you soon!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

1 Figurative Language

 Figurative language can be found in literature and poetry. Is language that one must figure out. They are comparing two things in a way that you find the comparison interesting or by using words that have unusual or sounds. At some point we all had use this in our daily language, in this case is when the  writing goes beyond the actual meaning.

Here are some types of figurative that we have heard before: 
-metaphor, hyperbole, personification or symbolism

I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
-I've told you a million times to clean your room!
-Her head was spinning from all the new information.

After reading this examples, now you have an idea of figurative language