Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Police brutality, with minority

I would said that police brutality most of the time get out of control, they have the power and autority, but their mayor thing is to protect and serve. Not because they have the power they are going to be violent, humiliate, and put people to suffer even killing them. Racism is one of the reason why of the police violence. They target to black american and hispanic. This articles talks about the brutality with monirity; Chicago Police Are Getting Away With Brutality, And Most Of It Is Against Minorities."The report also notes that black and Latino targets were involved in 92 percent of the Chicago Police Department's uses of stun guns from 2009 to 2011". This is an example of what happend in Chicago and out there are many cases like this one, even in the past months, Fergenson, Tamir Rice and many more. For example, they see a black person and automaticly assume he is bad, with out prove.


  1. Unfortunately police brutality against minorities is a reality therefore we should all be aware of it. And it is a delicate point when taking in consideration it involves discrimination and at the end is all it is. Plain and simple discrimination against minority or ethnic groups. Which it shouldn't be happening not in this century.

  2. It is really sad to see that racism is still such a huge issue in this country, especially within a group of people meant to uphold the law. I'm not saying that all or even most police officers are racist but all it takes is a few bad ones to make them all look bad. Unfortunately though, it is one of those issues that isn't easy to just solve overnight, but hopefully as time goes on people will let go of their prejudices.
