Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Own Authority!

I am going to share some thoughts about  how a create my own authority in  Doc 1 that we have assign about Police Violence. Fortunately I have to share and work with one of my classmates this assignment which is great, is only the two of us working with the paper, while others have groups of 3 :(, but is all good. So the question is if I have any authority, well yes, might not be the authority to stand in from of the class an teach, but at home I do have authority to do, to say what is convenience to me, that is because I own the house. In this case about the paper Doc 1, I believe I have the authority to express, to say, to pursue, to inform, about the subject that is been discuss. Same way for my classmate, she also have the authority,  she can express what she think. All human are different, we think differently and have different thoughts, so that gives us the authority to express our self, if you like something good, if not , good too, it is your own opinion, especially when you have the knowledge about a certain area that you know the best you can stand and speak off, of course not fighting and killing each other.

1 comment:

  1. I like your post about authority It feels great to have authority. Although I don't like to put so much authority on others, sometimes I have to, specially with kids. They need to have someone with authority so thay learn respect. At work I also have authority and it feels great when you are respected by others but I would never use my authority to down someone nor to abuse them. I think a man is not meassured by his authority but by the way he uses it.
