Wednesday, January 21, 2015

01 Introduction

Hello class my name is Vanessa Rivera and this is my first trimester, well first time attending South University and I can say this is a great University. Looking forward to attend Nursing program here, super excited for that. Right now I am taking three classes and all I need is three more classes to be able to apply to the program. Prior to this University, I was attending Palm Beach State College for two years, but it was time for an upgrade and here I am. I am from Puerto Rico, being here for six years, know Spanish and English, well getting better to the English language, so I apology any writing and speaking mistakes. Other than college I work for a recycling company for almost five years. I have to say I am pretty much busy all day every day, work, college, home and study. Well class talk to soon!


  1. Awesome! its my first quarter here as well transferring from PBSC!

  2. Hi Vanessa nice meeting you too. It seems like a lot of us in the class just came from PBSC cause this is also my first semester here. Thats really cool that you're from Puerto Rico cause that's where my mom grew up! I've always wanted to go and see where she lived but just haven't gotten the opportunity yet :(

  3. You work at a recycling plant? That is amazing! Keep up the good work! I find it to be such a shame that most cafes and fast food places do not post recycling bins in their establishments, after all, where are those glass bottles supposed to go when the consumers are done with them? Such a waste. Either way, the Earth Mother will reward you for your contributions to her dominion. Hail Gaia!

  4. hey vanessa nice to meet you I go through the same thing with work and school juggling it is not easy
