Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Own Authority!

I am going to share some thoughts about  how a create my own authority in  Doc 1 that we have assign about Police Violence. Fortunately I have to share and work with one of my classmates this assignment which is great, is only the two of us working with the paper, while others have groups of 3 :(, but is all good. So the question is if I have any authority, well yes, might not be the authority to stand in from of the class an teach, but at home I do have authority to do, to say what is convenience to me, that is because I own the house. In this case about the paper Doc 1, I believe I have the authority to express, to say, to pursue, to inform, about the subject that is been discuss. Same way for my classmate, she also have the authority,  she can express what she think. All human are different, we think differently and have different thoughts, so that gives us the authority to express our self, if you like something good, if not , good too, it is your own opinion, especially when you have the knowledge about a certain area that you know the best you can stand and speak off, of course not fighting and killing each other.

Police brutality, with minority

I would said that police brutality most of the time get out of control, they have the power and autority, but their mayor thing is to protect and serve. Not because they have the power they are going to be violent, humiliate, and put people to suffer even killing them. Racism is one of the reason why of the police violence. They target to black american and hispanic. This articles talks about the brutality with monirity; Chicago Police Are Getting Away With Brutality, And Most Of It Is Against Minorities."The report also notes that black and Latino targets were involved in 92 percent of the Chicago Police Department's uses of stun guns from 2009 to 2011". This is an example of what happend in Chicago and out there are many cases like this one, even in the past months, Fergenson, Tamir Rice and many more. For example, they see a black person and automaticly assume he is bad, with out prove.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Police Violence

Police violence it is a heavy subject, there is many pros and cons about it. I would say I support some part of it about  police officer having or carring a weapon and I quite disagree about giving a free permition to people to carry or having a weapon. I want to focus on weapons at the house where kids are around. Nowdays everyone what a weapon, probably to defend them self in any unusual situation and have it at home, others to have it just for fun. I have to say that after hearing and watching the news about kids shooting their parents, kids taking guns at school and many others similar situations, I totally disagree having a weapon at home. Most of the parents dont pay attention on how dangerous can be having a weapon at the house, kids are smart, especially nowdays, they now more than us. Also out there  parents have emotional, mental, stress, drugs problems and what scares me the most is that, especially guys (Dads) get home mad, start fighting and there is the problem, weapons always have to be the solution "for them". Once again that is way a disagree having a weapon at home, especially when kids are around, they are inocents.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Blogging in College

Blogging is a great method or technic for us to use as college student . I am glad and happy that the professor just teach us how to create a blog. I hear on social media talking about their blog and saying to go an visit their blog, to leave messages or to comment. I visit a friends blog, it was about fashion, really nice all decorated. I have to say that having a blog give you another way to communicate with others and yes people use it for many reasons, some might have a personal blog, others for other things.  So having a blog doesn't mean that it is important or crucial in your life or without it you not cool, but when it comes to communicate here at college with your class, it's a great instrument, it's something different from where we usually  communicate  with others, like, Facebook or Twitter.It is fun because you get to read others post and get entertain. This is my first time using a blog, and I have to say that it is pretty cool, you can change the letters, the color, choose template, insert image you can share it with friends and leave comments. Take advantage and use it, great way to meet new people. Looking forward to learn more about it!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

01 Introduction

Hello class my name is Vanessa Rivera and this is my first trimester, well first time attending South University and I can say this is a great University. Looking forward to attend Nursing program here, super excited for that. Right now I am taking three classes and all I need is three more classes to be able to apply to the program. Prior to this University, I was attending Palm Beach State College for two years, but it was time for an upgrade and here I am. I am from Puerto Rico, being here for six years, know Spanish and English, well getting better to the English language, so I apology any writing and speaking mistakes. Other than college I work for a recycling company for almost five years. I have to say I am pretty much busy all day every day, work, college, home and study. Well class talk to soon!