Monday, February 9, 2015

Logical fallacy in popular media

Logical fallacy are like tricks of thought and they are often very sneakily use by the media to fool people. Here is an example, Super Bowl last year was watched by more than 111.5 million people, to advertice at the superbowl, companies have to pay an average of $3.8 million for 30 seconds of adverticing. So this means that companies will use any means to get the viewers attention. It is crucial to understand logical fallacies so that they can be identified and avoided when attempting to persuade. So please be really careful when you see Ads on TV, they just want to caught your attention and make you believe things. Some examples of logical fallacy are:

Formal Fallacy-(1) All dogs have legs. (2) Tiny is a dog. Therefore: (3) Tiny has legs.
Informal Fallacy-(1) The sun has not exploded for all its existence. Therefore: (2) The sun will not explode tomorrow.
Logical and Factual errors-any argument in which premises or inferences are poor will result in a fallacious conclution.

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