Ethos is equal to credibility. So in Doc2 we need to show credibility, we tent to believe people whom we respect. In a argumentation paper we need to project an impression to the reader that we are someone worth listening to, it is like making yourself as author into an authority on the subject of the paper. Also, ethos is often the first thing we notice, so again, it creates the first impression
that influences how we perceive the rest. Having this piece of description about ethos we can understand a little more about it.
This mean that when we are doing our reseach for Doc2 or any paper we need to look for creadible source from places on the web, books, library or a person that we can trusth. Basically we need that extra help of information in our papers to back up our argumentation. We need to impress and make others like or interest what we are writing about.
Good luck!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Struggling a little!
Doc 2 it haven't been easy to put together. Its a good topic, we are related with it, since is about the degree we are pursuing. It might be easy for some, but for others like me its difficult. Having the information that you have do research on, and them putting it all together it is not easy. I want my paper to make sense and that others understand it. Unfortunately writing papers is not my strong, so its challenging making this papers. I get a little anxious and it feels like its not working out, but I try my best and I put a lot of effort, because more than having or getting a good grade, I want to learn and practice for futures assignments.
I want it to say this because I know I'm not the only one struggling with Doc2.
I want it to say this because I know I'm not the only one struggling with Doc2.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Peer Review, Doc2
Today we are getting ready to start the peer evaluation. Its going to be fun, well I think so. Its just a little difficult for me evaluate papers from other, because I dont like putting critics, I dont like that people think I am mean, because I put comments in there papers. But if there something we need to be aware is that this process of peer evaluation it important for us. Having suggestions from other makes our paper better, or at least we have others opinions that we can include in our paper. Lets just enjoy this Doc2 since is a topic that we all know. Remeber we just want to help you giving you extra ideas and what can be fix in your paper, also we are not the professor and we not going to give you the grade, so dont worry about it. :)
Have fun!!
Have fun!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Issue in Nursing!
The purpose of this Doc2 is to find an issue in the area that we are persuing our degree. I personally going to talk about understaffing nurses in medical field. As we all know or most of us know, there is a couple or I should say, multiple issues in the nursing/medical field and we have to look for credible research about that issue.
Unfortunately nurses nowdays are going to a lot of pressure in the work are. They are confronting a great amount of patients in a day and their having a big issue, what is that issue? "nurse understaffing". This problem lead to stress, which is not good for your health, especially when working with patients at a hospital. I will explain more in details in my Doc2
Unfortunately nurses nowdays are going to a lot of pressure in the work are. They are confronting a great amount of patients in a day and their having a big issue, what is that issue? "nurse understaffing". This problem lead to stress, which is not good for your health, especially when working with patients at a hospital. I will explain more in details in my Doc2
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
More about Doc2!
I am excited about this Doc2, more than that we have the opportunity to choose the topic related on the Degree that we are pursuing, more specific we have to choose an issue. My degree is in Nursing and in that area are many issues that nurses confront everyday, I don't work in a medical field now so I am not related or too informed with what is going on, I used to work in a medical office around 6 years ago and I am pretty sure things has change dramatically since then, well I believe that things in this world change constantly, especially in medical field. But fortunately I have a couple of people that work in the field and any questions I can ask them. Overall this topic is going to be fun and for sure we are going to learn a lot from it and is a plus that almost all of us the degree pursuing is Nursing.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Poor or Good Evidence
There are a couple of types of evidence when doing a reaserch for a paper. One is when you do interviews, experiments, surveys or personal experiences. The other one is information that you get from other sources like, websites, books and periodicals. It does not matter where you get the information from, it most be credible, accurate and trustworthy. When we search information on website, we need to be really careful, anybody can write fake stuff on internet, so we need to look for credible sources and how we do that, ask questions like, Who is the author? How recent is the source? What is the author purpose? and again when evaluating Internet sources, never use Web sites when the author can be determined, those are not good if we are researching information for a document. Knowing this simple steps, then we know how poor or good the evidence in our paper will be.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
I know we dont have any information for Doc 2, but I am going to just talk about my expectations and what I wan to achive in this paper. To begin, It might not be the same topic, I hope not, that way we have the opportunity to look, search and do more reaserch about the new topic. One advantage about having a new topic is that we will learn new information which is good for us. Also we have the oportunity to read our classmates post about the Doc 2 and have different ideas, also we can see their points of view, which I enjoy reading because we all have differents things to say about one topic. Today we will start with the document and I am looking foward to it. Hopefuly I learn a lot, which I know I will and see what the outcomes would be.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
More about Logical Fallacy!
One more time, social media and Ads are all full of fallacy, they bombard us with all the advertisement, that is why don't believe everything you see or hear. Logical fallacies hide the truth. Not all is real or true, most of the time they want to convince you and get your money in some way. It is on you if you want to get caught on that tramp. Always double check and do a little research if you are not sure about it. Social Media is going to throw information out there to get rating and most important make you believe on them. Out there companies selling vitamins, weight loss products, showing you the supposedly fast result, and people buy them, but what they don't know is, how good or bad are they for me, if it cause some side effects. Best thing to do is stay away don't believe on everything without having enough information.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Logical fallacy in popular media
Logical fallacy are like tricks of thought and they are often very sneakily use by the media to fool people. Here is an example, Super Bowl last year was watched by more than 111.5 million people, to advertice at the superbowl, companies have to pay an average of $3.8 million for 30 seconds of adverticing. So this means that companies will use any means to get the viewers attention. It is crucial to understand logical fallacies so that they can be identified and avoided when attempting to persuade. So please be really careful when you see Ads on TV, they just want to caught your attention and make you believe things. Some examples of logical fallacy are:
Formal Fallacy-(1) All dogs have legs. (2) Tiny is a dog. Therefore: (3) Tiny has legs.
Informal Fallacy-(1) The sun has not exploded for all its existence. Therefore: (2) The sun will not explode tomorrow.
Logical and Factual errors-any argument in which premises or inferences are poor will result in a fallacious conclution.
Formal Fallacy-(1) All dogs have legs. (2) Tiny is a dog. Therefore: (3) Tiny has legs.
Informal Fallacy-(1) The sun has not exploded for all its existence. Therefore: (2) The sun will not explode tomorrow.
Logical and Factual errors-any argument in which premises or inferences are poor will result in a fallacious conclution.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Peer Evaluation Process
Peer evaluation can be a scary process for most of us, even for me. The good thing about it is that we can have many suggestion from others. Especially in writing papers, like the Doc 1 that we are doing at the class. At first I though, Oh Wao, this is going to be interesting. Having other group reading and suggesting on my paper, I get a little nervous about it, what if they kill my paper? jejeje, but me having to do the same to other group, it is a little difficult. We all need to understand that, we might not agree with all they suggesting, but they are helping you to fix things that you didn't notice it while writing your paper or even grammar issues, also giving you other ideas. I am thankful for the group that review my paper, I fix couple of grammar issues and other little things.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Finding a Thesis
In college most of the time course assigmnets often ask to make a persuasive case, similar of what we are doing now in class with the Doc 1, so you are ask to convince your reader of your point of view. After the introduction of the topic, you state your point of view on the topic directly and maybe in one sentence. That sentence is your thesis statment and also serves as a summary of your argument you will make in the rest of the paper. That thesis sentence will tell the reader what to espect on the paper. If you are talking about the World War II, the thesis sentence must offer a way to understand the war. The word thesis sound like a very difficult word, especially when you are ask to find the thesis in a article or writting, but it is not that bad, we need to practice more, so it can be easier each time.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Identifying the Main Idea!
Identifying the main idea can be a little difficult for many people, especially if the person dont like to read books, novels, magazines or any time of reading, it is very hard and eventually you will struggle looking for the main idea, I remember when I use to have homework, to read a Chapter and find the main idea, it was difficult for me, well the truth is that reading is no my strenght. But we need to understand that the main idea is not simply what the text is about, is more than that, is what the author wants readers to understand and know what is important in the text. Always remember identify the important information, group the important information and combine the groups to get the main idea.
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