Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Google Drive and Google +

Google Drive and Google + are another great tools to use in class. I never used to have Gmail so I haven't work with this tool. Locally in this class we had the opportunity to create an account and enjoy from this tools.
In Google Drive we had to chance to share our documents with the professor and the partners that we work with. I think that system is awesome, you fix stuff, you can leave comments, you write and it saved it automatically, the professor leave suggestions and comments you can see and resolved them. I bet has more stuff to do, but that's what we mostly used at the class.
In Google + is another good one, again I had never used this one, but I believe is like a Facebook type. Where you can add people, chat, share pictures, videos, status, also you can see others status too.
I can conclude saying that I am happy to learn more about Gmail and all the tools that this provides.
Professor I will see you next semester !
Classmates I wish you the best!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Wiki in the class!

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, is a great tool to look for information. Is one of the most google search place that people look for. I use to used Wikipedia a lot for all the assigments that I had. Until one day a professor told the class "Please don't use Wikipedia for any of your assigments, I would not grade it". I got so upset, because for me Wikipedia was perfect, everything is organized, they divided in sections, that make it easier for you to look for a specific thing of a topic. Later I found out that people is constantly chaging the information there. Good thing to hear is that in this class we are allowed to use it, which is great. It make it easier for us, but we can not forget to look for others sources, credible sources that we all had study and learned before.

Here a little of information about Wiki:

- The History of Wikipedia formally began with the launch of Wikipedia on Monday 15 January 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.

- As of December 2014, Wikipedia includes more than 34 million freely usable articles in 288 languages that have been written by over 50 million registered users and numerous anonymous contributors worldwide.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blogging in Class!

Blogging in class was fun, I know for some this might be boring, extra work, or something else. The truth is that this help us putting a lots of thoughts together and communicate with others. I am OK doing 1 a week, 3 is too much, well sometimes I forget to blog one out of the three and I am going crazy Friday night before 12 midnight to get it done. The good thing is that in class we have the opportunity to write 1 blog each class, so you get 2 out of the way, but the third one is the one that I keep forgetting. Another advantage is that we can write blogs anytime and any day at home or at any other place. Overall blogging at class is a great tool for us college students.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Big Data!

I want to share an article I found at The New York Times.

Welcome to the Age of Big Data. The new megarich of Silicon Valley, first at Google and now Facebook, are masters at harnessing the data of the Web — online searches, posts and messages — with Internet advertising.

What is Big Data? A meme and a marketing term, for sure, but also shorthand for advancing trends in technology that open the door to a new approach to understanding the world and making decisions. There is a lot more data, all the time, growing at 50 percent a year, or more than doubling every two years, estimates IDC, a technology research firm. It’s not just more streams of data, but entirely new ones. For example, there are now countless digital sensors worldwide in industrial equipment, automobiles, electrical meters and shipping crates. They can measure and communicate location, movement, vibration, temperature, humidity, even chemical changes in the air.
If you guys want to read the whole article go to this link.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Almost Done!

Happy to say that we are almost done with the trimester, oh boy it has been hard and stressful. A lot of studying, a lot of reading, a lot of assigments everyday non stop. Well a little bit of everything, but I have to say that all this hard work will be worth it at the end, at least that is what I believe. I know I study and work so hard to get good grades and thats is what I am expecting at the end. Then I can say, yes it was worth it the hard work and I would be one happy camper.
Looking foward for next trimester, and hoping goes well. Taking 3 more classes, 2 on campus and 1 online. After that Nursing will be calling my name jejeje :)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Personal Lerning Networks

This is a really interesting subject. Personal is about making connections and building personal relationships with teachers,university professors and even classmates. Good thing is that no matter where your are there's is always someone available online to answer questions. Learning is about sharing ideas and resources, we all do it in different ways and using different media and tools. Network is a global learning and is available 24/7. One thing I have to say is that lerning network is great and we have to take advantage of it, thank God for network. Also here in College we have the librarians, tutors, the professors and our classmates that can help us.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Doc2, APA issues

As all we have seen, we still have trouble with the APA format. Doc1 and Doc2 I had the same issues. The true is that I had never work with this format, so it is hard and complicated to get use to it. Of course with practice will get it. I will get it fix, and hoping to get a fair grade.
In Doc2 I put alot of effort and also I looked for extra help because I knew I will need it. Specially when you are not an English fluent speaker. Hoping for the best, and greatful that we have a great professor that give us opportunities to fix our errors.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Logos means logic, so is persuading by the use of reasoning. This is a really important tool when writing a research paper, we need consistency of the message, clarity of the claim and effectiveness of its supporting evidence, this are the keys to used logos in a document. We can use facts and stats to help support the argument, this gives a little flavor to the paper, when arguing about a topic and giving pieces of facts to back up.
The usage of pathos, ethos and logos seems a little complicated at first, but our goal in Doc2 is to persuade the audience that my ideas are valid, and this are tools that we can incorporate in the paper. For me the easiest is the pathos, I can write an emotional paper, why not jajaja.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Pathos is an important tool of persuasion in arguments. This mean that if we are doing a paper we can consider including pathos in it, only if you want to show some emotions. Pathos can be expressed through words and pictures. With this method we convincing people with an argument drawn out through an emotional response.
Examples of pathos that we see or hear are:
- Ads encouraging donations, show small children living in pathetic conditions or animals dying, just to evoke pity in people to urge them to donate for the cause. I know we are all familiar with this Ads, we see them every time on TV. I personally don't believe on this, yes I know it is sad, but this particular event is trying to make me feel sad and convince me to donate. So this is Pathos!!